Endorsements from Abuse Survivors and their Families

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Endorsements from Abuse Survivors

"Mending the Soul is therapy with God."

Christina T.

"For many years my sister has appropriately sought out help from many professional counselors and church leaders for her abusive marriage. My sister and her husband have been in church leadership most of their 27 years of marriage. No one ever seemed to GET IT until, God in His graciousness, led my sister to Mending the Soul and your resources. I have marveled at how far she has come in just one year!”


“Mending the Soul is a PHENOMENAL work… an answer to my deepest heart cries (since our children’s abuse in 1989.) It far exceeds what I’ve petitioned the Lord for all these years. Thank you for your obedience to Him in doing the difficult work, staying the course and delivering the most instructive and informative, Biblically sound and completely honest piece I’ve encountered. I pray that it will land in the hands of all whom the Lord sovereignly selects, its truths penetrating into their very shoe leather, to redeem and restore the souls of those impacted by one of the enemy’s darkest deeds. If I had the means I’d be passing Mending the Soul out on street corners!”

Parent of sexual abuse victims

“I am a Christian survivor of incest. I have read many books on dealing with and healing incest issues. This is the first book I have read that presents material for Christians, and it has had a profound effect on the issues I have faced. Not only does it address the nature of abuse, it also addresses the after effects of abuse: shame and powerlessness. In my opinion, the most important section of the book is The Healing Path. It gave me hope and explained the steps needed for the survivor to know God can indeed heal the soul. Other books address the mental and emotional aftereffects of incest. This book addresses the most important part of abuse: the damage it does to the soul. As a believer in God, it gave me a path to follow to heal my soul. For anyone raised in a church and felt abandoned by God because of incest, this is a must read.”

Incest Survivor

“I have read many different books on abuse, from both the abused point of view, and the counselor’s point of view. This is the most thorough, concise and “user friendly” book I’ve ever run across. It’s thorough and concise in that it gives strong teaching in not only what abuse looks like, but how to unlock the damage done. It’s “user friendly,” in that it provides several “real life” illustrations that more clearly define the teaching that’s being done. I would HIGHLY recommend this book to both abuse victims, and their counselors. I learned more from this book than I’ve ever learned from any other given resource. If you are an abuse victim, or one working with an abuse victim, this book is a DEFINITE “must have.” I recommend that you read it slowly, and carefully. It’s RICH in content.” “Reading all the materials and viewing the When Love Hurts Video, finally stated in a clear and understandable manner what my daughter’s experience has been. I am now able to understand her and to offer the support that she needs. Thank you for your work!”


“I am a 22 year old university student from a large university. I have been in accountability and discipleship groups my whole life and in student leadership in my church. I have never understood why I keep ending up in such abusive relationships until now. Doing a Mending the Soul Bible Study in my church was the help I needed to identify the abuse in my relationship and to begin to set appropriate boundaries. I have never healed like I have this year. How can I thank you for your ministry and materials?”


"In an era where we regularly learn of faith systems that not only condone but propagate and cover up abuse, Mending the Soul stands out as a trustworthy beacon of hope for survivors and those who care for them. With its integration of theology, social science, and practical application, this book serves as an essential resource for spiritual leaders to face head-on the dark and destructive nature of abuse and walk alongside victims in the painful journey of recovering from its staggering impact."

Cheryl M.C.

Endorsements from Christian Leaders

“Steve Tracy has made an enormous contribution to our understanding of the biblical, social, and psychological dimensions of abuse and its impact on our society and the church. As a pastor who deals often with the effects of abuse, I am deeply indebted to him for providing this useful instrument to help heal and mend souls.”

Wayne R. Lehsten, pastor of counseling and marriage ministries, Scottsdale Bible Church, Scottsdale, Arizona

“Steven Tracy deals honestly and profoundly with the troubling and long-neglected issue of abuse in this much-needed work. It demonstrates biblical fidelity and pastoral concern while raising awareness of the problem—especially for the church—and showing the path to healing.”

Dr. Kenneth Magnuson, associate professor of Christian ethics, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

“With the biblical wisdom of a theologian and the counseling insights of a therapist, Steve Tracy has crafted an invaluable resource for those concerned with abuse in all its forms. Tracy offers a scripturally anchored model of abuse recovery that includes practical suggestions and copious real-life examples. Chapter 9 by itself (on rebuilding intimacy with God) is worth the price of the book. This volume deserves to be read and reread by every pastor, counselor, and serious people helper.”

Sandra D. Wilson, Ph.D., seminary professor, spiritual director, and author of Released from Shame and Into Abba’s Arms

"Dr. Tracy’s review and understanding of current research in the social sciences is impressive, but it is his thorough understanding of Scripture and ability to communicate that understanding that makes this book an absolute “must” for every Christian educator’s shelf.Whether you are ministering on a college campus, in the board room of a non-profit, in the local church, or even in a correctional setting, this topic is one you are bound to face and one that requires a great deal of compassion, empathy, and skill. Abuse tears the soul, Dr. Tracy states, and as Christian educators, we are given the unique responsibility to minister God’s healing and mending. In order to do that effectively without inflicting more harm, we must be better equipped. In this reviewer’s opinion, this book stands heads above others that are currently available on this topic in helping to equip us to minister to the abuse victim as well as the perpetrator.”

Brenda Ratcliff, Institute for Prison Ministries, Billy Graham Center, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL [(from a book review in The Christian Education Journal5 [2008]: 463-466)

"Mending the Soul sets the standard for integrating biblical foundations and research-based approaches to healing the trauma of abuse. The second edition is a major upgrade because it incorporates the Tracy’s lessons of 15 years of world-wide utilization. It is an essential resource for pastors, counselors, or teachers bringing whole person healing to traumatized or abused people."

Gerry Breshears, PhD, Professor of Theology, Western Seminary, Portland, OR

"Within every church and faith community regardless of how tidy and upright things look on the outside, one thing is certain. Sitting in the pews of each and every congregation are women and men living with unhealed trauma and abuse. I am so grateful for the Tracy's and the ministry of MTS, and I am all the more honored to highly recommend this new edition of Mending the Soul to you as well. As a pastor, and someone who has needed my own soul mended from abuse I suffered as a young boy, I am a true believer in the message and ministry of this work. We pastors and leaders need to go beyond simply acknowledging abuse exists, to offering — within our churches — the healing power of Jesus embodied in people who are equipped to walk alongside these sacred ones as they travel their own mending journey. Mending the Soul helps you do just that. The Tracy's share not only the depths of abuse's darkness but also the power of God's healing strength. And they do so with humility, grace and the utmost care."

Rick McKinley, Portland Oregon, Founding Pastor, Imago Dei Community; Author of This Beautiful Mess and Faith for this Moment

Endorsements from Medical and Mental Health Professionals

“Steven Tracy’s book on abuse skillfully weaves together sound theology, insightful biblical exegesis, and the best of psychological findings about the horrors of abuse and the road to recovery. Featuring many case examples from his extensive work with survivors, the book stands as a substantial challenge to the church: Stop recictimizing survivors and begin facilitating their healing.”

James R. Beck, author, and professor of counseling, Denver Seminary

“Steven Tracy does a masterful job weaving victim’s experience with adept biblical exegesis and sound trauma psychological understanding. Placing the work on reconciliation squarely on the shoulders of those who abuse, the book provides healing salve to victims. Dr. Tracy reviews the nature and effects of abuse, including such sensitive issues of perversion, shame, and powerlessness. Dr. Tracy tackles head-on traits associated with abusers and abusive families. Finally, he provides hope as he outlines how victims can rebuild relationship with God, with themselves, and with others.”

Patricia Warford, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist

Dr. Warford has worked with victims of domestic violence since 1992 and with men who have been abusive since 2003. She has been qualified in state and federal courts as an expert on domestic violence. She has served as a member of the (Oregon) Governor’s Council on Domestic Violence and the Yamhill County Domestic Violence Task Force.

“Mending the Soul integrates very well the biblical-theological-psychological understanding of abuse. It is a pragmatic, insightful, candid evaluation of the problem and contains specific recommendations for healing psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.”

Ralph Earle, Ph.D.

Dr. Earle is a family therapist, psychologist, author, and past national President of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

“As a family physician for thirty years, I saw the faces of many of my patients as I read the pages of Dr. Tracy’s book—patients who presented with difficult sets of cryptic symptoms—and realizes what their real diagnosis was. I will have multiple copies of the is book on hand to help patients suffering from these issues and I’ll be recommending it for all my colleagues, including residents and medical students, for whom this should be required reading to sensitize them to this devastating problem.”

Jacqueline Chadwick, M.D.

Dr. Chadwick is the vice dean of academic affairs, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix Campus; former Chairman of the board of directors, Phoenix Seminary; former president (and first female president) of the Arizona Medical Association.

"Mending the Soul 2nd edition aptly addresses the significant shifts in society over the past 20 years regarding abuse / trauma statistics and research. Even with the explosion of technology, social media, and resources at our fingertips, there remain hard truths about various forms of abuse that society and the church do not want to face or address. Steve and Celestia boldly and unashamedly present the sobering truth about abuse and trauma with updated and relevant research and stories to educate the reader on the modern, more nuanced forms of abuse. However, the authors do not leave the reader in a place of despair or hopelessness. Rather, they courageously light the path forward with hope-infused stories of healing and redemption, along with strong biblical evidence of God’s hatred of abuse and his redemptive plan to bring good from evil. This is a must-read for anyone who is searching for personal healing and for caregivers who desire freedom and wholeness for those they love."

Kelsey Hawk, PhD, Licensed Mental Health Counselor

"It is hard to imagine improving upon the original edition of Mending the Soul but Steve and Celestia Tracy have done a remarkable job updating, refining, and elaborating upon their seminal work. As with the original, the second edition is well organized and clearly written, covering exceedingly difficult material with grace, thoughtfulness, and careful exegesis but without being either academically dry and heady or simplistic and naive. This fresh edition will ensure that Mending the Soul remains on the bookshelf of another generation of graduate students and pastors as well as the general public. I recommend Mending the Soul as essential reading for every survivor of abuse, therapist, and ministry leader."

Justin Smith, Psy.D., LMFT 

Founder & Director, The Family Room LLC and Former Chair, Arizona Interest Network of AAMFT

"In this 2nd edition, expect to once again be even more deeply moved by God’s healing love. The Tracys guide the reader in tracing the emergence of beauty and dignity from the dark distortions of abuse and shame. Mending the Soul will further equip you to provide real help to survivors, look evil in the face and see our Lord Jesus doing his most stunning work there."

Michael Rehm, LPC, Stillwaters Counseling