Find a Group

There are groups forming all of the time all around the nation. Use this resorce to locate groups and Healing Center Churches in your area.

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  1. The most effective way to find a group is to zoom (+ - buttons in the bottom right corner or two fingers on a touchscreen) to your preferred location. Then click on a location pin on the map closest to that location for group/facilitator details.

  2. To filter by group type, use the Tag feature in the upper left corner of the map and click the down arrow.

  3. Search options by state (two-letter abbreviation) or zip code are limited to finding an exact match in the database and will not show proximity.

  4. Once you locate a group, connect with the contact person/facilitator to see if they have a group that fits your availability.

No groups in your area? If you have searched for an in-person group in your area on the Find a Group map and are unable to find one, you can search for an online group by clicking on the magnify glass in the upper right hand corner and then entering the word “online” into the group search bar or by the tag filter in the upper left corner of the map. 

If there isn’t an online group available for you at this time, or an online group does not meet at a time that is feasible for you, you can still access healing through our resources! Here are your options for next steps:

  • Invite a friend and begin! You can work through our Explore book together. It is the same MTS healing model as all of our other resources but is condensed and versatile for a small "group" of two. It only takes 6-8 weeks to complete.
  • Or, you can contact a therapist or trusted mentor you know who would be willing to go through the Mending the Soul book and workbook with you. Set aside 12-14 weeks to do this healing work. 
  • Once you have completed the MTS book and workbook with a therapist or trusted mentor OR completed the Explore book with a friend, consider starting a group in your area! You can complete our online training and follow the steps for beginning a group in your area
  • Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or need help using the map.

Add Your Group

Use the form to add or edit your upcoming group.